Kit Reviews

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Airbrush Full Steam Ahead!

The part arrived for my airbrush yesterday so today was full steam ahead on the bench. The 38t received a coat of tamiya dark yellow & white then a lighter mix was sprayed in the centre of panels to give some depth. I was going to paint a tri-colour scheme but went for a single colour in the end after seeing an interesting scheme on the net.  The vehicle I'm going to depict is from the Ukrainian steepe in 1942 and sported just a single colour.

The figures have also been matt varnished after finishing off the faces and adding some decals from tamiya's ever useful insignia set. One other reason for the single colour is because I like the contrast between the figures and the tank.

The valentine's also had a matt coat and I'm pleased to say all of the previous weathering is still visible.

So busy on the bench at the moment and with Christmas just around the corner I better crack on as I suspect I may have a model or two under the tree this year!

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