Kit Reviews

Friday 23 March 2012

Let The Grime Begin!

As promised over the last couple of days I have made a start on the weathering. For this model I am trying out the new AK Interactive weathering products and am using the NATO weathering set plus streaking grime. I started off with a general wash of MIG productions neutral wash then used the AK wash. This is quite thick straight out of the bottle so I thinned it down slightly with white spirit and went over the model with a fine brush in recesses and around details.

The wash in the set is a very dark almost black colour which works well on the lighter parts of the tank. The filter was next and again this seems too thick to me so I thinned the first coat very heavily. The second coat went over slightly thicker and only in selected places.

As you can see the filters and washes have darkened the initial paint colours down nicely. I now need to add the decals then I will start adding the streaking grime to the vertical sides of the model.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Great T-90 build. What where the colors you used on the camo?

