Kit Reviews

Thursday 22 March 2012

Fame at Last!!

Well I am now back from Portsmouth but still as busy as ever around the house. The T-90 is now ready fro weathering and I will be starting the process this evening so expect some updates over the next few days.

On a different note I am delighted to announce that my W.M.I.K will feature in the May edition of Tamiya model magazine. This is something I have always aspired to do and to finally be able to contribute to my favourite modelling magazine is something of a dream come true! Slightly sad I know but I don't care!

I am also chuffed that the blog has now had well over 5000 unique visitors and 66 followers. So a big thank you to all my followers and visitors for your support and encouragement during some of my more tiresome builds! The future looks bright for the blog as I will be adding more kit reviews and also some walkarounds of interesting vehicles from my picture collection.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! It will be great to see your model in print. Just rememeber to leave some copies on the shelf so we can buy one!

