Kit Reviews

Takom G6 Rhino Review

Takom's new kit of the South African defence force's G6 Rhino self propelled gun for me was a must have when it was announced. Let's face it how many South African models have you seen at model shows or on the web? Not many I'll wager, so when the kit arrived from Hong Kong I was keen to check out this highly unusual kit. 
The box is big for a start and on opening it's packed with sprues and a very nice instruction sheet. It's moulded in a light grey plastic with two small etched frets, 6 massive rubber tyres and a sprue of clear parts. The details on the parts look good with crisp grills and other small details.

The main hull is made up of four main parts which give you an indication of the finished size of the model which is big!

The rest of the sprues have plenty of parts to keep you busy and this includes a full drivers compartment as well. Again detail is sharp with almost no ejector pin marks on the visible surfaces. The wheels feature side wall lettering and a cracking tread pattern.
The main gun is in two parts which I'm sure won't please some people but with careful gluing and sanding it will look just fine.

The main turret is in one part and again there's some nice detail here.

I'm really pleased to see yet another unusual subject in plastic and think this one will prove popular. The distinctly sci-fi look to it for me is very interesting as is the exotic nature of the subject so I'm certainly looking forwards to building this. A quick search of the web doesn't throw up much but the likes of prime portal do have some pictures of the real thing.

Takom have done a superb job on this kit and with only a small amount of etch it shouldn't be a headache to build, highly recommended.


  1. merci pour l’analyse , j'en ai un et j'ai commencer le montage !!

  2. I would like to see how you go with this kit, thanks for commenting

  3. As an ex SADF serviceman, all I can say is....FINALLY!!! Now look forward to a Ratel APC. (20mm,90mm) Rooikat Armoured Car, and a Caspir for Xmas.

  4. Myself also being an ex SADF national serviceman as well as later on serving as a full time member in the SANDF, this kit is very very welcomed by me. Would love to see something in the line of a Buffel, Ratel, Rooikat and Caspir....Please take note, Takom!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Thanks for your post, Trumpeter have just announced that they will be releasing the ROOIKAT in 1/35th this November.

  6. Pete you might like these reference pics.


  7. Cheers Stephen, I have those pictures bookmarked. Very handy they are too.

  8. No problem, I'm glad they came in handy.

  9. Hi there
    I know this post was some time ago, where can i get one of these models?


  10. I'm afraid I have no idea where you can get this kit, perhaps a search of online hobby shops in your area will be useful.
