Kit Reviews

Sunday 25 February 2024

Slow Progress On The S Tank

Well real life has chucked a few spanners in the works modelling wise lately which has ment I've done almost no modelling since the last post in January.  I did however manage to get away for a spot of winter sun and Cyprus was the destination of choice this time around. Nice and warm with some excellent archaeological sites to visit I really did recharge the batteries and just relax for a week. 

I've also found some time over the last couple of days to get some fading on the S tank as well as a bit of black using tamiya NATO black which looks suitably faded as well. Next will be some detail painting and making up some registration plates for it too.




  1. Can't beat the Med in winter for a quick bit of warm weather. Cyprus is one of my Fav's.

    The black has gone on superb there Pete. This one will look quite a treat when done I reckon. What a shame we never ordered some of these for service.

  2. Cheers Terry I'm hoping to have it finished in time for the Yeovil model show in April. God knows I need to get something finished at the moment!
