Kit Reviews

Sunday 14 January 2024

Trumpeter Swedish Strv 103B With A Twist!

Now on the bench is the very old Trumpeter Strv 103B Swedish S tank. I've been mucking about with the basic kit whilst finishing off the M60 so I've got the main structure and running gear all sorted already. 

Now my cunning plan is to build this as a what if in British service during the 70's. Not many are aware but during 1973 ten of these tanks were actually put on trial with the Royal tank regiment in Germany. Information is quite scarce but some info and pictures are out there on the internet. 

The trial was not a success but I thought it would be fun to model a vehicle in service had the British army decided that the S tank would make an excellent second line of defence in BAOR. So the idea is the basic structure and systems would be in place on the tank but with British enhancements and improvements in certain areas. The best thing with a "what if" is that it's really only limited by your imagination. So let the fun commence! 

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