Kit Reviews

Sunday 31 December 2023

Takom M60A1 Decals & Weathering

The decals such as they are are now on the model and after a quick matt coat I've started on some filters and pin washes to begin the weathering process. Also as this is the last post of the year I'd like to wish you all a very happy new year.


  1. Happy New Year Pete! Picking up on your comments re your mojo last year, I can empathise with that a lot as I only built 3 models myself throughout 2023, and two of those are only just out of the paint shop and being weathered. Need to sort that! I've only just caught up on this build, and it's a very helpful insight into the Takom M60A1. Gotta love a MASTTER scheme I have to say. You mentioned the tracks were replaced by ones from another source - was that kit or aftermarket? Very curious as I will likely get this kit and would probably do similar with the tracks given what you have found. You've made a fantastic job so far, and it looks like the mojo is up and running on full steam. Looking forward to seeing this one at one of this years shows. Do you and Brian ever do the Bovvy shows?

  2. Cheers Terry, yes it can be a struggle sometimes with the loss of mojo especially when you have so many ideas in your head but little or no inclination to actually model anything. Glad you like the M60, I'm a big fan of the scheme too it's just so out there. I honestly cannot remember what brand the tracks where from, they were aftermarket and could possibly have been from Trumpeter. But I see Takom actually do a set of workable tracks in plastic, T 97 E2 workable tracks for M48/M60 family. I would have used Friuls but had these in the stash so gave them a try.

  3. Oh, forgot to write we do go down to the Bovvy shows but only as punters.

    1. Good to know you will be there. I'll likely be on the Tank Museum Modellers stand, or possibly with Poole vikings. Depends on how the respective club rota's work out. I reckon Stonehenge modellers would be a very popular stand at the Bovvy events, just saying........... :-)
