Kit Reviews

Friday 9 June 2023

AK Land Rover First Colour!

Well my paints arrived today, so fast I was suprised. So obviously being a slightly impatient modeller I just had to get the first colour down. As I am painting this as an Aden vehicle I have chosen the same colours I used for the Saladin build back in 2015. The first colour is mr hobby H313 yellow with a couple of drops of tamiya X2 white. Thinned with Mr color levelling thinner and a couple of drops of VMS slow-mo extender this sprayed very nicely indeed. 

Now, although the instructions call for the chassis to be painted black I blew some of the yellow over the undersides as it's going to be very dusty later on. Also almost nothing will be seen of it on the finished model anyway. Next was the canvas cover and here the paint callout is deck tan which I found was too pale so instead used mr hobby H336 hemp. Finally the bottom and rears of the front seats were painted using mr hobby H36 dark green. This will be the second colour to go onto the body of the model later. 

I must say a big thanks to Terry Taylor for quickly answering my question regarding internal colours for Aden Landys. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent stuff mate.. Thank you for the shout out..
