Kit Reviews

Sunday 14 May 2023

Me 262 Another Disaster!

Well I really don't know what's the matter with me at the moment. I seem to be having setback after setback especially when it comes to glazing on models. All was going really well, the model received an oil wash to pick out the details followed by a matt coat. On removing the masking on the canopy front section I saw it had broken. Probably when it fell off the stand earlier in the build. 

To say I was pissed off would be an understatement, the model was very nearly launched into the wall. Totally gutted I decided to have a think about how I could fix it whilst cleaning my airbrush. Of course there was something wrong with that on reassembly. Turns out I have a split nozzle so that's fucking £20 to fix! Not a good day yesterday I can tell you.

However I decided to add a tarp to the canopy as I have the little kettenkrad set with the figures and thought this could work as a maintenance scene. A little bit of tissue and diluted white glue did the trick & once painted a contrasting colour looks just fine. So now back on track with a saved model, I really could not face another failure!


  1. Hang in there Pete; you're a great modeller. If I lived in the UK, I'd bring you a new nozzle.

  2. Thanks Edward, I think I've overcome the issues now so hopefully the next build will be much smoother!
