Kit Reviews

Tuesday 30 May 2023

AK Land Rover Bodywork

Working away at the bodywork for the land rover and now have the inner wings, front grill and bonnet in place. Nothing difficult here with a test fit all is good and once the inner wings are in place the body feels rock solid. The front grill needs the lights added and here you will need to file the recess of each hole in the grill slightly for the lights, part D6 to fit correctly. The etched grill is very nice with a good weaved appearance.

Next I checked the fit of the front indicator/side light parts, W17. These are clear parts which are a very accurate representation of Land Rover light lenses. They fitted perfectly so can be left off until final assembly. 

The rear lights, W19, however need each hole enlarged as they just will not fit. Also they have another overly complicated fitting in the cargo bed including a etched part. I currently mulling over the best way to fit them for painting purposes. My first choice might be to separate the lenses from the rear portion, fit that and the other parts in the cargo bed then once the model is painted fit the lenses in the holes. 

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