Kit Reviews

Thursday 27 April 2023

Trumpeter NBC Vehicle Project Failed!

Not having fun at the bench right now after yet another disaster. I had primed the model and also sprayed the first colour on. I had some issues with this as the paint was drying before hitting the model even with drying retarder added. 

So I decided to strip the paint with VMS clean slate. All was going well until this morning when I inspected the model and found that the glazing had fogged up somehow. Not sure why this happened as the clean slate has never done this to me before. Perhaps it's due to the poor quality of the trumpeter glazing.  

I was so pissed off that the model ended up in the bin! Yes I could have had the shutters on the window down but that would have required making new hinges which was not the look I wanted on the finished piece. Just lately I cannot seem to finish anything without something going tits up which is extremely frustrating.  

So after a suitable amount of sulking and feeling sorry for myself I'll probably dig into a tamiya kit or perhaps even an aircraft for a change.


  1. I had a similar incident recently with the Italian Armoured Car 1ZM by Copper State Models. I was having trouble with the fit and used too much force resulting in extensive damage to many of the smaller parts. I was so frustrated I tossed it into the garbage. I guess we all go through this at some point. Now I'm working on the Emhar Bedford 'OLBD' LWB 'O' Series 5-ton Dropside Truck

  2. Thanks Edward, it does not happen to me very often but when it does it's very frustrating! Hope you are enjoying the Bedford.
