Kit Reviews

Sunday 3 July 2022

Takom M114 Adding Details & Tracks

The hull top and front panel are now fixed in place, a little bit of careful fitting and sanding ensures a nice smooth joint. Following that I used stretched sprue to add the missing weld beads to the hull. This will get toned down later with a swipe of mr surfacer. The drivers scopes and exhausts went on next and in my haste to get the roof parts on I forgot to add them. That will teach me to study the instructions more carefully!

The tracks where next and as usual Takom provide jigs to assemble them correctly. Taking note of the position of each part I glued these using tamiya extra thin quick type. Once dry they went on the model followed by the road wheels which were glued to the tracks only. The tracks are quite fragile so doing it this way ensures a much stronger assembly. The whole thing can then be removed from the suspension arms for easier painting too. 

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