Kit Reviews

Monday 25 July 2022

M114 Camo Woes

I've been having some issues with the camo on the model, namely I was just not happy with the colours and the amount of coats I was applying to get a decent colour saturation. So after looking at it, researching and asking the MASSTER guru that is Brian I decided to strip the paint and start again.  

VMS clear slate as ever does the business here and now I've got a bare plastic model again. A slight delay now while I wait for more suitable paint to arrive, I'm determined to crack it second time around!



  1. Quick question about this one Pete. What did you use to strip the paint so cleanly?

  2. Terry I use VMS clean slate it is THE stuff for stripping paint. There are two types one for acrylics and one for both acrylics and enamels,
