Kit Reviews

Sunday 13 March 2022

Rye Field Challenger 2 Complete

Here's the final pictures of the challenger all finished and fixed to the base. It's been a long project, almost 4 months in fact but very enjoyable all the same. The improvements made to the already excellent rye field kit added that little bit extra to the build. I was seriously in two minds as to whether I wanted to paint the urban scheme but after seeing them at work I decided it would be fun to have a go. 

I'm glad I did now as it was not a difficult scheme to paint and the final result looks awesome. Likewise the figures in MTP were another first having not attempted to paint this before and again I think it came out rather well. I hope you have enjoyed following the build and stay tuned for the next build coming soon!



  1. Wow ! Really good job : scenary , tank ,figures . Unusual camouflage , everything goes together well

  2. The Challenger has come out really nice Pete! Maybe I'll get to see it on the show circuit this year.

  3. Cheers Terry glad you like it. Hope so mate, we are at the Yeovil show next month then Avon in september before hopefully our annual trip to Belgium in October.

    1. That's good. I hope to make the Yeovil show, and possibly Avon later in the year.
