Kit Reviews

Monday 30 August 2021

Modelling Mojo

Well as the title of the post tells you I've seriously lost the will to model at the moment. Even with going to the Avon show I still just have no inclination to pick up a scalpel or paintbrush at the moment. Possibly some other pressing issues have contributed to this sad state of affairs but I also think I'm suffering from a touch of modelling burn out. Over the last couple of years I've pumped out a fair few builds & now I'm struggling to even finish one easy kit.

So for the immediate future there will be very little posted on the blog until the mojo returns.

Sunday 8 August 2021

IPMS Avon Show 8/8/21

Finally a model show for us to enjoy & our first since On Track back in February last year. So myself & Brain set off from Smudge mansion in some torrential rain for the thankfully short hop down to Thornbury leisure centre near Bristol for the show. We were all set up in pretty quick time thanks to the ease of entry and the sensible measures IPMS Avon put in place for the event.   

Following on from previous years formats the show was spread over three big halls with plenty of space between exhibitors and tables. This year there was no competition or internal catering but there was an excellent burger van in the car park providing various meal options as well as hot & cold drinks. I must say my breakfast bacon butty was delicious! 

So after a quick look around we prepared to receive the paying public. I think there was a good amount of visitors, we were certainly kept busy at our display chatting to loads of people. It was really great to catch up with loads of friends and followers of the blog after such a long time. It was particularly nice to catch up with Rob, a long time follower of the blog who has been building ship models for the last year or so. On seeing my supacat he had to go and buy one! 

I hope you enjoy the build Rob. There was a feast of new models to admire on the various club stands with large scale aircraft looking to be very popular at the moment. I have certainly been enthused and can feel the old modelling mojo & creative juices flowing back & about time too!

There were also plenty of trade stands to lighten the wallet although I did not avail myself of this opportunity but instead bought only one model from an under table sale. There was plenty of variety too as well as the various wargame stands and retailers.  

At the end of the show after a even quicker pack up and a blast back to Devizes it was time for a pint to digest the events of the day before Brian headed home & I unpacked the car. It was just so nice to finally get to a show so I must say a massive thank you to IPMS Avon for all the hard work it must have taken in this current climate to organise and run the event. As ever you did a fantastic job.

My single stash addition.