Kit Reviews

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Bronco Comet Decals On

The comet has now had the decals added and very nice they are too. At first whilst looking at the decal sheet I thought they would be a problem, possibly with silvering as they didn't look very good. However once soaked and on the model they looked loads better.

I've also weathered the mantlet cover using a dark wash and then some fine dark shadows before dry brushing with a lighter tone. The tarps on the rear deck now need finishing off then I'll add some light chipping here and there before starting on washes etc.


  1. This model doesn't have decals over details but I just applied my decals to the CSM Romfell and I helped the decals form over the details without issue. However, I did damage decals by helping when I did the Scout Car. I've read both - that you can "help" and that you are supposed to just let the decal setting solution do all the work without touching. So, if you don't mind the question, when you apply decals and use decal solution, do you let the solution do all the work or do you "help it"? Or maybe it's a little of both? TIA

  2. I generally leave decals well alone once applied to the model. I use Daco setting solution medium strength and find that this really snuggles the decals down well. If I have say a large decal to apply and have air bubbles under it then I will dip a cotton bud in water and carefully dab the decal to remove them. The thing to remember about all decal setting solutions is that they start to soften the decals very quickly so any manipulation usually results in damage to them. Hope that helps.
