Kit Reviews

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Bronco A34 Comet

Next on the bench is Bronco's original A34 Comet tank. This is a vehicle I've long wanted to build but not being a fan of Bronco decided to wait and see if another manufacturer would release one. Well they never did so I recently picked this kit up cheap and decided it was high time I added a Comet to the collection.

A bonus was that the kit came with the all important resin mantlet canvas cover so all I needed to replace were the tracks. I went for Masterclub ones and also bought some Miniart figures to go with the model. Construction has now started and I immediately deviated from the instructions as I found that the upper hull had a nasty bit of warping on the fenders.

The lower hull was built up very quickly then the upper hull was offered up. I found that the rear fender tabs needed to be cut so I could bend the fenders and try and get them looking straight. You can probably see the stress marks in the plastic where I've had to apply some force! There is still some distortion but adding parts F65 & F3 next should sort that out and ensure it's all solid.


  1. If you don't mind stepping down in scales there is a 1/56th scale version of the Comet made by Rubicon Models.

  2. You're a brave man tackling that one, Pete - I can remember reading about the fender warping issue years ago on PMMS, when the kit first came out.

  3. Just had a thought - you could also use that Brit figure I gave you a couple of years ago with that kit, might save you a bit of work?

  4. Thanks chaps, Heisler I was not aware of that kit thanks. Chris I know I must be mad but I've managed to get it straight now. Yeap that figure could work well.
