Kit Reviews

Monday 8 February 2021

Bonco Comet Ready For Paint

The build phase is now complete with some tricky etch on the turret to deal with first. The only bits of the etched fret used where the antenna guard and the bird cage sight. Both were quite stiff so I heated them over a flame to soften the brass which makes it much easier to bend to shape. Some brass tubing was also used for the actual antenna mount. I then drilled out the mantlet for the barrel.

The final bits added were the tow rope and then sorting out of some stowage, I'll be adding some camo netting later. I then moved onto figures and used the miniart British tank crew winter set. I'm not very impressed with them to be honest, poor fit, lots of flash and a lot of clean up to deal with. I did want to add two figures to the turret but in the end went for just one. I will be adding a driver figure later and will use a hornet head and a spare upper torso for this. 

The build actually went a lot easier than I expected and apart from the fender warp issue built up very well. The detail is good and with a few tweeks it looks even better. The tracks are a massive improvement over the kit ones and really enhance the model I think. So next up will be a wash & primer which gives me time to sort out a good mix for British SCC 15 and get back to the type 16.


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