Kit Reviews

Saturday 16 January 2021

Greek Gecko Finished

Today I've finished off the project after adding a very small amount of dusting to the upper sections of the model, some exhaust staining and fuel staining before finally adding the antennas, missile housing & mirrors. I also made a simple base using a large tamiya one which I had already primed and painted the edges.

This was finished off with some plaster mixed with VMS resin PVA glue and pigments. Once this had dried for a while I added sand and small stones before placing the model on the drying plaster with some clingfilm as a barrier to stop the wheels sticking. When it was dry, which didn't take very long, VMS sand and gravel freeze was used then tamiya buff was sprayed on the base. 

Some static grass went on next followed by a spraying of light green & brown before tidying up with more buff. Lastly the stones where picked out in various colours and a shrub glued in place. With the model on the base that's the build all done. I have really enjoyed this one as the trumpeter kit is a smashing kit to build & the details are excellent. Painted in a different scheme to the normal Russian one it looks really different and interesting.


  1. Nice work Pete, very intricately detailed & something different from the norm. Re: the shrub on the base, was this a commercial piece or did you scratch it yourself?

  2. Cheers Chris glad you like it. The shrub is a commercial one but I can't remember where I got it from or the maker.
