Kit Reviews

Saturday 30 January 2021

Tamiya JGSDF Type 16 More Work

The second figure is now all painted and detail painting & decals have gone onto the model. I should be getting on with washes and filters next week I hope.

Thursday 28 January 2021

JGSDF Type 16 Paint Fading & Figure Painting

Fading has now been added to the paintwork using small amounts of XF 21 sky mixed with the two main colours. Slowly adding more sky to add interesting effects to the colours. Once done a blast of gloss went on to seal it all in and prepare for decals.

Usually when building modern Japanese subjects I will use uniform decals for any figures I want to add but as I didn't have enough for the two in the kit I reverted back to painting the camo. Vallejo paints were used for this and I started with a base of 315 light mud. The green was a mix of 968 flat green and a small drop of light mud. The brown was 312 leather belt and again a drop of light mud & the black was 005 black and 862 black grey. 

Careful study of pictures sorted out the pattern so with a fine brush I quickly painted the first figure. Webbing was painted using 327 Italian tank crew and the crew helmet was picked out in 893 US dark green. Black, white & Iraqi sand where also used for shading and highlights. I did have to add a chin strap for the head as well as a band for the goggles so tamiya tape was used.   

Wednesday 27 January 2021

JGSDF Primer & Paint

Primer & paint have now gone onto the model, both in one day. The primer dried really fast for some reason so I cracked on and sprayed the model in it's camo colours. Tamiya XF 72 & 73 being my weapons of choice here with XF 85 rubber black for the wheels and exhaust panel on the hull. I will add some fading later with XF 21 sky added to the two colours as per my usual method for JGSDF vehicles. 

Monday 25 January 2021

JGSDF Type 16 Built!

Well that really did not take long! I've finished the main construction of the kit and added some chain to the smoke dischargers & detail to the hatch interiors. My resin wheels also arrived today, they are DEF items and are a straight swap with the kit wheels but have much better detail.  

Next will be sorting out the figures and some stowage for the very thin rear rack on the turret before a wash & primer.

Friday 22 January 2021

Tamiya JGSDF Type 16

Time to start a new project & I've selected this great kit from tamiya. As you would expect progress has been rather rapid after starting last night. I now have a rolling chassis in a very short space of time. Details on the kit are on the whole very good. It does suffer from some shortcomings though in the form of lumps of plastic that should be handles, and like most modern Japanese armour the real thing is festooned with tie downs which again are represented in the kit by small bits of plastic. 

You also need to add the front and rear lights to the model before assembling the hull but tamiya do provide masks for these which I'll add before primer. Any handles have been shaved off and replaced with lead wire which looks far better. I will replace the wheels with resin items as well, again as they have better detail compared to the kit rubber ones.

Thursday 21 January 2021

Bronco YW-750 Weathering

The model has now had a couple of thin filters using a dusty tone followed by some darker pin washes and a bit more detail painting as I missed the shovel handle and spare tracks. With that done I finished off with some oil fading & streaking using black for the exhaust staining & a grimy brown colour for streaking around the hull and on the engine deck. 

I did the bare minimum here and kept away from rust tones which I think was a good choice. Happy with the look of the model this morning I've given it a blast of matt varnish which I'll leave to cure for a few days. This gives me ample time to sort out a base and some debris to go with the finished scene. 

Wednesday 20 January 2021

YW-750 Ready For Weathering

I've now finished the paint chipping on the model and have only added some dark rust tones using paint here as I plan on adding the rest later with oils. A quick blast of gloss and it's all ready for filters, washes and oils.

Saturday 16 January 2021

Greek Gecko Finished

Today I've finished off the project after adding a very small amount of dusting to the upper sections of the model, some exhaust staining and fuel staining before finally adding the antennas, missile housing & mirrors. I also made a simple base using a large tamiya one which I had already primed and painted the edges.

This was finished off with some plaster mixed with VMS resin PVA glue and pigments. Once this had dried for a while I added sand and small stones before placing the model on the drying plaster with some clingfilm as a barrier to stop the wheels sticking. When it was dry, which didn't take very long, VMS sand and gravel freeze was used then tamiya buff was sprayed on the base. 

Some static grass went on next followed by a spraying of light green & brown before tidying up with more buff. Lastly the stones where picked out in various colours and a shrub glued in place. With the model on the base that's the build all done. I have really enjoyed this one as the trumpeter kit is a smashing kit to build & the details are excellent. Painted in a different scheme to the normal Russian one it looks really different and interesting.

Friday 15 January 2021

Dusty Gecko


I've now started final weathering using wilder aqua line dark earth & light dust to add just a hint of dust effects to the model. Concentrating on the lower portions I thinned each effect with water then painted it on and let it dry. A damp brush was then used to blend and feather this until I achieved the result I was looking for. 

I then used light dust for the wheels and treated them in the same way. Once they were all finished I glued them in place and added a tiny bit of spattering again using the aqua line colours.