Kit Reviews

Friday 11 September 2020

38(t) Figure & Darkstar Metallic Paints Test

 Following a suggestion from my old mate Soapy I added a final black wash to the figure before matt varnish. This helped darken the final appearance of the uniform so I'm much happier with it now. He just needs his binos added to his hand and he's all done. 

For some reason I've always had a bit of a block when it comes to black uniforms. best practice on some more soon! I should also be getting some washes & filters onto the tank as well this weekend.

I've also been playing with some new to me acrylic metallic paints from a company called Darkstar. Today I did a little experimenting by first painting a bit of cardboard with black primer then starting with a brush painting test. The colours from left to right are, bright steel, graphite, pewter, copper & brass. I applied two coats with a brush using water to slightly thin each colour. The paint went down really well and the colours are very intense. 

Below this I sprayed the same colours using a couple of drops of Darkstar thinner. The paint sprayed really well and the tones are nice and strong. Some more experimenting needs to be done regarding mix ratios and airbrush pressure but the initial test results look very promising. All pictures below have not been edited so you can see as close as possible how they look.

I'm rather impressed with these paints, the pigments look to be very fine and the colour intensity is very nice indeed. They can be mixed easily with each other and they clean up with water. Darkstar make 27 different metallic colours and they don't cost the earth as well. You can check them out here, DARKSTAR

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