Kit Reviews

Saturday 4 July 2020

Still Not Modelling & No Model Shows

Well I'm still not doing any modelling but am getting lots of other stuff done including some much needed admin and file sorting as well as going through a lot of old documents. I've shredded quite a lot of junk that I've had for years and now don't need. 

The man cave has also had some attention, putting everything back in the right place and sorting out my spares etc. So with everything squared away I'm just waiting on the return of my mojo!

This year as you all know has been a total washout regarding model shows with Stonehenge Modellers only managing to attend On Track in February before the lockdown came into force. Since then every show we were due to attend has been cancelled. With all that is still going on in regarding the virus and travel, distancing and venue restrictions we have come to the decision that we will not be attending the annual IPMS Belgium show in October.

Although this is still scheduled to take place there are already restrictions for the show such as no competitions or hot food this year as well as possible social distancing provisions. It was a very difficult decision to make as we enjoy our time at the show immensely. But both myself and Brain felt it would be in our best interests not to go this year.

Perhaps that and the fact I've got no deadline to build to, for example getting a kit finished for a show, that has knocked the old mojo out of kilter slightly lately. So updates to the blog may be few and far between until modelling commences again. 

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