Kit Reviews

Saturday 9 May 2020

Warrior Detail Painting

I've not really been at the bench much this week as I decided to have a short break and catch up with some research reading for future builds as well as some quality garden time. However I'm back at it now and have started adding some very light chipping to the model as well as painting up all the stowage. For the chipping I've used vallejo 830 German field grey which works well for modern British green. Applied only where I think the crew would wear down the yellow to expose the green underneath. 

Op Granby warriors don't seem to have a lot of paint wear on them from the photos I've seen so a light touch is required here. The optics and inner housings have also been painted in field grey as per my references. The mix of colours used for the turret basket stowage is already creating a nice point of interest and looks good to me.



  1. Like what you're doing with this model, Pete. The detail painting of the turret basket stowage is great, & as you say creates a focal point to draw the eye. Jump leads draped around the smoke dischargers look excellent too, very realistic.

  2. Thanks Chris, it's slowly getting there.
