Kit Reviews

Friday 10 April 2020

M3A1 Paint Fading & More Warrior Work

This morning I have sprayed the paint fading on the scout car using my usual method of adding tamiya XF 15 flat flesh to the olive drab. Successive lighter tones were sprayed onto the model until the desired effect was achieved. I'll let this dry for a day now before sealing with some gloss.

The warrior has also had two air identification panels added using magic sculpt. They were a common feature during the ground war and also will add another point of interest to the finished model. I've also finally started on the figure sculpting. Using three figures from the spares box I carved and sanded off all details to leave a basic torso. 

Brass wire was used for the commander's arms then magic sculpt added to form the basic shape of the upper arm. I'll add the lower portion later when this has cured. The driver and gunner figures are a little easier as they will be lower down in their hatches so sausages of putty were added for the basic arm shapes. Next will be some more blocking out of the bodies and sorting head placements.

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