Kit Reviews

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Abrams More Turret Work

The fun continues with some more improvements and alterations on the turret after fitting the other turret rack & smoke discharger. The fuel can rack is from the small etched fret in the kit and the fuel can is from the spares box. Panda supply you with a scepter or plastic type fuel can which I believe was introduced in the 1980's. However I'm unsure on the exact year they were issued so used my refs and decided on an old style metal can instead.

The gunners main sight was next and here I adapted the clear part so I could add this after painting and also added some weld beads using stretched sprue. The commander's cupola needs a fair bit of clean up and three lifting rings added which are not provided in the kit. I just wrapped lead wire around a pin and then drilled out a small depression at each eyes location before fixing with CA.

Finally I replaced the poor crosswind sensor on the rear of the turret with some brass tubing for better detail. The mount also needs a big sink mark sorting out. It's not 100% accurate but way better than the kit part. 

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