Kit Reviews

Monday 30 March 2020

Warrior Stowage Continued

More work now filling up the turret basket and adding a cover to the long hull bin. I started with some duro green stuff putty and made up a couple of roughly shaped sheets to go on the bottom of the turret basket. This was followed by various bits of kit being lightly pressed into the putty and left to set. I then mucked around with the placement of even more ammo cans etc until I was happy with the result. A mix of accurate armour, red zebra and anything else I could find was used here.

Next I used some magic sculpt putty to add a couple of sacks to the open ammo box. Finally on the putty front I added the protective cover to the gun barrel using this as well. It seems a shame to cover up that lovely barrel but photo evidence shows it was heavily used during the ground war for obvious reasons. 

And finally some thin lead foil was used to make a cover for the long bin on the hull. I placed some bits of foam board in the bin first to add a some shape to the cover once in place. Then finished it off with some etched straps. Now with just a new rack to make for the side armour it's time to start thinking about figures.


  1. Looks really neat & busy, Pete. I like the jump leads wrapped around the smoke discharger, quite a common sight on 432s as well to my recollection.

  2. Pete,

    Have you seen the news from Meng re. a new Warrior kit?

  3. Yes seen it Chris, looks to be a bit of a brit fest at the moment!
