Kit Reviews

Sunday 23 February 2020

On Track 2020 Show Report

The first show of our display year for Stonehenge Modellers and the usual drive down to Folkestone on Friday afternoon with no issues and a really good run down saw us set up and checked into our hotel by 1500 hrs. However like last year this then followed the sadly predictable format of myself and Brian attending the bar straight away! Brian had stated he would not be drinking much this year, but true to form he folded like a damp newspaper as soon as the first beer passed his lips!

With the constant arrival of a good few from Modeller's Haven Online forum and the flow of beer I'm afraid it all became a bit of a blur. But it was great to all meet up and have a laugh whilst talking modelling bollocks even if some of us had to retire for the night at 2000 hrs. Yes you guessed it that was Brian!

Onto the show proper on Saturday and it started promisingly enough with some early interest at our stand. This year the halls did seem slightly lacking in both clubs and traders although there was still plenty to see. But by about lunchtime it went really quiet and didn't pick up for the rest of the day. However it was good to chat to people and meet up with old friends again.

Competition entries where also light however the standards where high with some cracking models on display. Paul B came away with a very well deserved gold and best of show, so worth the trip all the way from Germany I'd say.

Stash additions for me were restrained with only the acquisition of the Retrokit Belgian JPK90 on my hit list. Expect an in box review of this soon, and a couple of diorama bits & Chally 1 book. 

So a good day all round even with the lack of visitors so thanks to the show organisers for all the hard work they put in to make this event happen.

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