Kit Reviews

Friday 17 January 2020

Lots Going On & Some Goodies Too!

Well first up I've sprayed the Sherman with a good base coat of olive drab using Mr hobby H304. I will be adding some fading soon using flat flesh mixed with the OD to start off the weathering and give some interesting effects.

Next the truck has had a coat of primer, I used black primer for the chassis and grey everywhere else. I can now just satin varnish the chassis and it's good to go without the need to spray another shade of black on. I'll give this a couple of days to cure so I can mull over the main colour for the truck.

I've also received a very generous donation to this build from Paul at Red Zebra Models in the form of a very nice block wall, figure and a selection of heads and an assortment of packs and general stowage. 

The block wall will make a perfect backdrop to the model I think and also give me somewhere to build up some rubbish and general detritus. These types of walls are very common in the middle east so are perfect for this model.

The figure is Red Zebra's Syria/Iraq tanker and as such comes with a very nice head wearing a soviet tankers helmet. The pose is perfect as is the casing. I've changed the head for another of Paul's sculpts which looks great as well. 
I particularly like the fact the figure has training shoes on and not standard military boots. Painting this should also be fun as you can paint a mixture of civilian and military clothing, whatever takes your fancy.

I also have a selection of bags and stowage and some very nice heads featuring various subjects. The heads with the sunglasses are particularly nice and could be easily adapted to wear any headgear you want. The final present is a small length of wire for re bar. Very handy for any middle eastern diorama or building.

So a massive thanks to Paul for supplying me with this smashing little package. As ever the sculpting and casting is first class. You can find the full range at his web site, 

Finally I've also added to the stash with some figures, the Alpine one will probably go with the sherman and the Valkyrie British tank crew with something one day! 

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