Kit Reviews

Tuesday 28 January 2020

Diopark Truck Bringing It All Together

Time now to bring all the sub assemblies together and I've started on the cab area with the seats and steering column glued on and the dashboard, rear view mirror and sun blinds fitted to the cab interior. A light dusting of VMS sand type A pigments added just the right amount of dust to the cab floor and the dashboard. A couple of cassette tapes and a pack of cigarettes helped furnish the dash as well.    

I then sorted out some other items for the cab with a couple of bottles, a pringles tube and smoke grenade. The bag was also chosen as I like the idea of using civilian stowage and this was just the job. It's a Dan models item and comes in a pack with a mix of these bags and a couple of sports holdalls. The checkered pattern is supplied as decals and they settle down very well with some Daco strong setting solution.  

Finishing off this episode of the build I then added all the lights after painting them with Tamiya clear colours. Now I'll start adding some pigments to the chassis and wheels before assembling the cab and adding the glazing.

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