Kit Reviews

Thursday 17 October 2019

Romfell Progress

The model is progressing very nicely and now I can put it on it's wheels looks really cool. I'm building up as much as I can before painting the engine bay and interior as well as filling a few ejector pin marks on the inside faces of the superstructure & hatches. Nothing so far has caught me out and the detail on the parts is excellent as is the fit.

I also found some images on the web of a similar vintage engine so used this to add plug leads. A few more wires and fuel lines will be added as well. 


  1. Looks a really nice kit Pete (as are all Copper State Models) but I'd be really interested to see the figures they've released to go with it.

  2. Cheers Chris, they are up on CSM website and look rather good. I've now got to choose which one to get!

  3. Pete,
    I had a look at them & must say, I like the crewman with machine-gun most of all. But I think the box art doesn't do them any favours & they could have been rendered much better in straight primer finish (as have previous CSM figures), because that would have shown the casting detail in sharper focus.
    Just my two'pennorth, other options are available......
