Kit Reviews

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Marder Weathering & Countdown To Belgium

I've now started the weathering on the model and added a dusty filter then a darker pin wash in selected areas. I've purposely gone heavy with the dust filter as this tends to disappear once the matt varnish goes on. This will be it for washes & filters as I'll use pigments later to finish it off. The lower hull will get a light dusting of tamiya buff before the matt coat goes on, then the fun can begin!  

It's also now only a few days before myself & Brain head off to Belgium for the IPMS Belgium plastic & steel show at Affligem. As ever I'm really looking forwards to it and hope to meet up with a few more followers of the blog whilst there. So if you happen to see the Stonehenge Modellers stand be sure to say hello. 

The models are packed already too.


  1. Good luck Pete, sure it'll be a good show & looking forward to seeing the pics when you get back.

  2. you seem to have an unhealthy obsession with German Armour......something you want to tell us mein fuhrer?
