Kit Reviews

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Takom FV432 A Packed Lunch & Job Done!

Another busy day at the bench yesterday working on the 432. I started by making up a packed lunch or in army slang a "horror bag" and a thermos flask to display next to the figure. It helps to tell a story and add something different to the scene. 
I made up the white bag using thin lead foil then plastic was used for the flask, sarnies & chocolate bar. The crisp packet was nothing more than folded up tamiya tape cut to size. Once all painted and the sandwiches wrapped in a tiny piece of cling film I then moved onto the final weathering stages.

For this I used a tiny amount of VMS pigments around the model followed by some fuel and oil stains. Once happy with the appearance the model was fixed to the base and the turret, antennas, figure and his lunch went on and that's job done! It's been a longer project than I anticipated but very enjoyable.
The Takom 432 is a breeze to build and great fun to paint and weather. I doubt this will be my last 432 as there are so many interesting paint schemes and themes to have a go at.



  1. Spot on, Pete - excellent job from start to finish. The figure looks great, but I can't help feeling that a "yellow handbag" of Herforder Pils would look more appropriate by his side than a horror bag...….

  2. That looks great, Pete, another neat production. We always knew your "horror bags" as "maggot bags" in Logistics; delivered in quantity to the Ops Room by the Catering Corps, they always included fruit which no one ate. Huge amounts of oranges accumulated and I remember they were sometimes used for a game of carpet bowls by the night shift. Happy days.

  3. Thanks guys glad the models brought some memories back!

  4. Brilliant job as usual, Pete. Loved the nose-bag and flask.
