Kit Reviews

Thursday 19 September 2019

Belgian Leopard Weathering

The model has now had a light filter followed by a couple of darker pin washes to pick out the details. Next will be some streaking I think. I've also added some concrete to the base and for a different look tamped down the still wet mixture with the edge of a long ruler. This has resulted in a rougher texture which should show up better after some weathering.


  1. I'm getting more & more intrigued by that concrete texture paste, Pete - it looks just like the real thing. The Leo's coming along fine, I'm sure it'll go down a storm on your trip to Belgium.

  2. Pete

    The weathering is coming along nicely. However, the decals still look too bright it seems. Do you plan to fade them a bit?


  3. Cheers chaps, Chris, yes that concrete is very good, easy to use and acrylic based so easy clean up too. Marc, the markings should fade down a fair bit later with a bit more weathering and a matt coat.
