Kit Reviews

Saturday 7 September 2019

Belgian Leopard Paint, Tracks & 432 Basework

Busy at the bench over the last 24 hours with the leopard tracks blackened with VMS track blackener system. These where then lightly burnished and all the track pads painted. Tedious but worth it in the end. I've also got the main colour on the turret, wheels etc using tamiya XF-51 khaki drab. 
Brian used this colour on his M75 last year and it looks very similar to the real Gelboliv colour. I have added a few drops of flat yellow to this just to lighten it for scale effect. More yellow will be added as I continue which will help add some nice highlighted areas. I'm still waiting on the tow ropes and wish they would arrive so i can get the hull painted too.

The 432 base is also progressing well with some static grass applied and sprayed followed by a selection of washes and oils added to the concrete to weather it. A little bit more to do here and it will be finished.

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