Kit Reviews

Tuesday 3 September 2019

432 & Rutscher Base Work

Time to concentrate on the bases for these two models & first up is the Rutscher base. This is a small tamiya item with some tamiya cobbled street sheet added followed by a bit of filler them loads of nice bricks and rubble from red zebra. A little bit more needs to be added then I can start painting.

For the 432 I've gone for a concrete hard standing setting so after sourcing a suitable picture frame & building up the base I've used AK terrains concrete. As I've had great success with their tarmac product I was keen to see how this performed. 
I built it up using two thin layers which helps reduce any shrinkage while the stuff drys. It's acrylic based so can also be thinned with water if required. It's still drying at the moment but the colour & texture is really great and I think it will weather up a treat later.



  1. I'm intrigued by the AK Terrains Concrete product, Pete - it looks very effective in its basic form, I'll be interested to see what it looks like when painted & weathered.

  2. It's good stuff Chris and actually doesn't need painting. Weathering will be sufficient to tone it down and add wear.
