Kit Reviews

Saturday 17 August 2019

Matt Coats, Glazing & Figure Work

I've been quite busy lately but not necessarily at the bench however I did manage to get the matt varnish on this week so after letting that cure I've now started adding all the lights & glazing on the two models. The Rutscher only needed the rear light and two scopes painting & I've also made a start on the standing figure. I'm going to attempt to paint him in the Leibermuster camo pattern as well just for something different.

The 432 looks very good now in matt and I've added all the lights and glazing too. Little cars 1.5mm lenses worked a treat for the small brake, indicator & side lights here. They are much easier to use than the kit lenses and are pre coloured as well. The figure has also been blocked in with the main colours.


  1. Both vehicles look spot-on under matt coats Pete - like your smooth base coats on the figures too, good basis to build up the camouflage colours on the German figure.
    Will you be painting the Brit squaddie's denims as 2-tone, where they've been ironed on one side only?
    (just like mine used to look, 'cos I was a lazy sod...…)

  2. Cheers Chris, like the ida on the Brit figures trousers but I've finished him already! I'll save that ida for the future.
