Kit Reviews

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Belgian Leo Rear End

Last night & this afternoon I've blitzed the rear hull on the model. Starting with the field telephone box I removed the molded handle and details then made up a new lid and fittings from plastic card. It's 100% better than the original now. Likewise the toolbox received some better details using plastic card & stretched sprue. 

The barrel clamp had some weird brackets on the hull so new ones were made up and a new rod fitted, again much better. The convoy light unfortunately is the kit item as I don't have any spare etched ones available. However under some dust & mud it should be OK I think. 
The hull is now pretty much finished with just the tow hooks, bungs and chains to add. I'll do that once I've sorted out the tracks, saves a lot of tears later when things ping off! 

So it's onto the turret and here I've already added the armoured covers for the gunners sight system and blended them in. I've also slightly sanded down the cast texture which should make adding Mr surfacer later to even it all out slightly less fraught.

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