Kit Reviews

Thursday 13 June 2019

Puma Figure Painting

I've now painted up the figure using vallejo colours and very nice he looks too. I have had to make up a missing little finger from putty so once that's cured and shaped I'll be able to finish him off. So it's time to start the detail painting on the vehicle I think.


  1. Nice camo & facial details on that one, Pete.

  2. i was living in italy very close to alpine regiment barracks. i used to see this uniform every day. this is the cammo that the italian army had until their involvement in afghanistan. it is the american woodland pattern but because it is made in italy there are some differences in the color tone. the black, green and brown are darker than the american woodland when the sand is lighter with a greenish shade. i'm sure there are many pictures online for reference. your figure looks pretty accurate. i have an objection about the boots though. they weren't black. they were very dark brown that under the sunlight looked a little redish. google 'anfibi esercito italiano' and you'll see what i mean. of course if the figure is in the armored vehicle the boots are not visible so...

  3. Thanks Igor, I see what you mean regarding the boots, definitely a brown boot instead of black.
