Kit Reviews

Friday 24 May 2019

Model T Figures

I've just finished off painting the figures for the ambulance. I'm very pleased with how they came out. I used vallejo colours apart from the boots which were painted using oils. I also added a wheel chock to the chassis as per my references. So now I'll let the oils dry for a few days before starting on the final weathering.


  1. Nice work on the figgies Pete, especially impressive work on the puttees of the wounded soldier. One concern though, is the shape of the orderly's helmet - it's slightly oversized, but this is down to ICM.
    For someone who says they're not really a figure painter, for me these are two of the best you've ever done. Well done mate!

  2. Yeap you are right Chris the helmet on the orderly is a tad big but then I think the figures as a whole are especially their heads. However they are well detailed so I can overlook a slight overscale. I'm glad you think they are good mate, still learning though and not quite in your league yet!
