Kit Reviews

Thursday 16 May 2019

Cave Pictures, Car Cleaning & Garden Changes

I've now finished putting up my pictures in the cave. I've decided not to put up all my old police certificates & course photos this time as I feel that part of my life is now over with. Instead I've put them all in a folder for posterity! A nice small notice board has also gone up over the bench too.

As the weather here is rather pleasant at the moment I gave my car a much needed clean today. I haven't cleaned the poor thing since February and it was gopping! However a few hours of graft & she's sparkling again, of course it's forecast to rain tomorrow!

I've also been busy in the garden taking out our pond. We've had one for about 16 years but with a grandson almost walking and into everything it was time to get shot of it & the fish for safety's sake. A local charity was looking for fish for a pond so we contacted them and they took our goldfish to a new home last week. The liner and pump etc went & I've been getting the hole filled with soil. 

Eventually a bit of decking will go in that space ready for a playhouse or similar for the ever growing brood of grand kids that are on the way. See evidence of kids stuff starting to appear on the lawn!


  1. You're not following the age old tradition of pictures and commendations in the downstairs loo !?!

  2. Yes that's the norm Matt but I though not!

  3. What an industrious chap you are! Now that you’ve got on top of the car cleaning, I have one here which would benefit from your attention...

  4. That's a very nice clematis you've got growing up your fence Pete. Mrs. Soapy would be proud of it!

  5. Tim my rates are very reasonable! Chris, yes that's my favorite flower in the garden, does not take any effort to look after too.
