Kit Reviews

Saturday 13 April 2019

Poole Vikings Show 13th April

A day off cave renovations today and a visit to the Poole vikings show with Brian. As ever top down motoring was the order of the day as he drove so jacket and hat on as it was slightly nippy this morning, although the sun did make an occasional appearance.

To the show itself and the usual mix of interesting traders and clubs to keep us interested as well as a chat with friends saw us spend a pleasant couple of hours mooching around the show. I particularly liked some of the dioramas on the competition tables although it was hard to get decent pictures, or see the hard work put into them due to the very poor lighting in that area. 

So suitably modelled out it was time for the usual format of a pint and pub lunch with the Royal Oak again being the venue of choice. Fine chaps that they are they managed to squeeze us in and we had a very nice meal whilst discussing all things modelling as well as general bollocks. 

A rare picture of Brian's car with the roof up, well it did look like it might rain!

My stash additions for the day, as if I need to add to it!

As ever a nice day out and a nice rest for me.


  1. Great stuf!!Thank you for the journey!

  2. Nice coverage of the Vikings show there Pete. I was unable to be with the guys this year as I was abroad for a bit. Should be back in the groove for the Salisbury show in June though!

  3. Hello Pete, I met you today at the Romsey Show. I noticed you purchased the AK Modern Figures Camouflage Book at the Poole Show. Did you find this publication helpful? I thought the figures you had on display today with your armour were first class.
    Regards, Joe.

  4. Hi Joe, great to meet you today hope you had a good day. Re the book it's not bad but mostly deals with larger scale figures so I found it of limited use. All the best Pete
