Kit Reviews

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Man Cave Part 7 & Happy St George's Day

Finally the door has been hung so I can now stain it before the handle and latches get fitted. I went for a stable door as I liked the idea of extra light and ventilation for the cave as well as being able to hear the doorbell etc whilst at the bench. It may also keep the cat out but I doubt it!

Also over the weekend the skirting boards and storage module where painted so today I'm hoping to get the display cabinets in place. 

As it's St George's day here in the UK some suitable patriotic pictures are the order of the day. I feel we could do with an inspirational character like St George here at the moment to sort out all those useless politicians. Perhaps a lance or two up the arse would make them think of the voters wishes instead of theirs for a change! 

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