Kit Reviews

Saturday 23 March 2019

Yeovil Model Show Saturday 23rd March

Today myself and Brian went down to Yeovil for their second show held at Bucklers Mead Academy. As usual I was driving and as it's just a quick hop down the A303 I picked Brian up plus his models for display. Good lad that he is a sausage bap and cup of tea were waiting for me before we set off. After a swift blat down the 303 we arrived in good time and were set up very quickly. 

The show is spread over three areas, with us located in the sports hall. This held the majority of traders and was very well lit. A good variety of traders was evident here and in the two other halls so there was something for everyone. Once the show was open we were busy talking to visitors as well as other clubs and friends who popped over for a chat.

In fact the show was busy until about 3pm which was good to see. I managed to have a look around a couple of times and enjoyed the various displays. I also very much enjoyed the ice cream from a van parked outside one of the halls! Judging by the amount of people walking around with one he must have done well. I also took a few surplus kits to sell and actually sold the lot. One chap basically cleared me out in one go so I've come back with more money than I started with, always nice that!

So a thoroughly enjoyable show and another great day out for Stonehenge Modeller's. A big thanks to the organisers and we hope to go again next year.

Stash additions from the show now and the first is actually not a sex toy although it looks like one! It's a paint shaker believe it or not! The leopard is destined for my Belgian build for this year and the SS-100 & flak, well I just couldn't resist!    


  1. Looks like another good show Pete, I didn't know about this one so couldn't come to join you. I see from Pic 4 down that someone else likes Tommy's War figures as well, it's always nice to see Kev Peart's superbly painted busts, & that P-38 Lightning looked incredible!
    Will send you some more pics of the SS-100/Flak 37 build later.

  2. Lovely little show there Pete. Nice to see Brian still has his thermos beer cooler with him too.
    Thanks for sharing ole chap.

  3. Cheers guys, I was pleasantly suprised with the show and will go again next year I think.

  4. Thanks for sharing!!! Your display is very amazing!!!
