Kit Reviews

Sunday 24 February 2019

On Track 2019 Show Report

Kicking the show season off in fine style we followed the usual boring format of a flog down to Folkestone on a misty Friday afternoon and actually got there quicker than expected even with road works on the M20. We were all set up and checked into our hotel by 1600 hrs and then things started to wobble slightly! Instead being sensible and going to our rooms Brian and I decided to partake in a beer at the bar which quickly turned into several. 

On finally deciding to go and get sorted a certain Mr Paul Badman arrived, well we had to be sociable didn't we and have a beer with him! I'm sure you can guess the rest which resulted in Brain feeling less than chipper in the morning! However it was a great night with plenty of modelling bollocks, piss taking and general hilarity and a damn good pizza thrown in for good measure.

Saturday morning and after a bit of a walk to clear the tubes and admire the sunrise over the sea it was time to enjoy the show. With lots of visitors during the morning we were kept busy taking to many people and catching up with friends. I had a look around to get some pictures and have a browse early and enjoy the wonderful sunshine outside.

Paul entered some models in the competitions and it was great to see Tim and Chris from the forum and have a chat. Paul came away with a gold and two silvers I think so the long trip from Germany was worth it I think! During the afternoon visitors slackened off somewhat which was probably due to the weather and rugby. However we had a great time and as ever really enjoyed the show.

My very restrained stash addition form the show,

As usual a big thank you must go to the show organisers for another cracking day and we will see you there next year.


  1. Glad to hear you & Brian enjoyed the show Pete, & congrats to Mr.B on his award haul. I enjoy a trip to Folkestone even though it's a long drive, & always feel a connection to the Leas Cliff Hall as my late Dad guarded it against the invasion threat in 1941 as a Private in 2/5th Sherwood Foresters - it was a dance hall then.

  2. Cheers Chris it was a great day, Your dad got around a bit then.
