Kit Reviews

Saturday 16 February 2019

Bovington Tank Museum Model Show

Today I've been off hobnobbing with Brian and my mate Chris, aka Soapy down at the tank museum for their annual model show. So after picking up Brian on the way we swiftly arrived at Bovi and met up with Chris. Much modelling bollocks and general piss taking ensued mixed in with a look around the various model club displays, trade stands and the museums exhibits. 

IPMS Romsey had a really interesting display with a cracking diorama depicting tiger 131 based on actual pictures of the tank when first captured. It was extremely well done and very fitting what with the real 131 displayed just down the way in the tiger section. What could be more fitting? It certainly inspired me and gave me some good ideas for when I tackle my kit later this year.

We also again had a chat with Spud Murphy and admired his excellent models. I really liked what he was doing with the takom chieftain amongst others he had on display. I also noticed that the gekko A10 kit was a popular choice on the display tables and very nice they looked too in their various marks, I may have to pick one up at some point.

This year I actually went with a bit of a shopping list and managed to snag the new Meng Husky and a bonus Trumpeter chally 2 for £20! Filler and matt varnish where also on my hit list so in the bag they went too. Again I had a great time and it was nice to start the modelling show year off with a trip the the museum as well, it gets the old creative juices flowing I find. 

 A couple of old mincers!

My stash additions,


  1. Some corkers on display there Pete.

  2. Excellent day out Pete, great to meet up with Spud again. Much thanks to you & Brian!

  3. Cheers chaps, it's a very worthwhile show to visit if you can.
