Kit Reviews

Friday 4 January 2019

Corolla In Primer & 2019 Modelling Goals

Today the corolla has had the primer sprayed on after cleaning up the rest of the kit parts that will not be sprayed white as well. Quite a mega session but with everything primed the build should continue smoothly. A blast of grey on the body shell helped me check for any flaws before finishing off with white primer.

A few days to cure are needed particularly on the body and then I'll sand it back with ultra fine grade sandpapers. This will give me a really good base for the top coats. I've ordered a few paints which I need as well as a lacquer gloss varnish which I think will be fine. 

An interesting discussion on the modeller's haven forum recently got me thinking what my 2019 modelling goals are. Well firstly I thought it was time to NOT buy too many kits this year but concentrate on perhaps a few that I really want and will build. I have narrowed it down to these,

Tamiya M3A1 scout car
Tamiya Sheridan
Tamiya Challenger 1
Hobbyboss Jackal & Coyote (if they are released this year)
Meng Husky
Meng Rolls Royce armoured car

Not a massive list but these are the kits I'll definitely acquire, in fact I've just got the M3 so that's one off the list! I will be buying figures and accessories but as usual only when I really need them for a particular project. The stash will also get a vicious cull as I sort the wheat from the chaff, i.e, those that I'll actually build.

I also want to get a new compressor and then there is the man cave makeover to enhance the space available and generally make it a nice place to work. So what I don't spend on kits and what I make selling stuff can all go towards that. A sensible plan I think, lets see how long it lasts shall we?     

Here's what I've acquired already this year thanks to xmas amazon gift cards.


  1. Never build this kind of kit but it looks great and certainly fun to build. It's Tamiya of course thus no bad surprises. I look forward your M3 scout car.

  2. Cheers Alain, I think I've only ever built three cars in all the years I've been modelling so it's suitably challenging! Yeap that M3 is quickly going up the "must build now" list!

  3. Hi Pete,
    Great models as usual - thought I saw somewhere the Jackal and Coyote hadn't appeared in the 2019 catalogue so may not be released - which is a shame.

  4. Yes Simon but perhaps they will be a surprise release this year? We can live in hope!
