Kit Reviews

Saturday 19 January 2019

Churchill Figure Painting

The figure for the Churchill is now all painted and very nice he looks too. Tamiya have done a brilliant sculpting job on their figures of late and this one is really nice. Considering it's only 1/48th scale it's very finely done.


  1. very very nice looking. It looks like 1/35th The recents TAMIYA figs are very nice and certainly as good as resin ones. Your paintjob is amaizing my friend.

  2. Thanks Alain I'm very glad you like it.

  3. Nice paintjob, Pete - I like the highlighting on the BD blouse & trousers, & the insignia are cracking for 1/48. Nice one Tamiya, & nice one you!
    BTW, SW Model Show is on again at Bovvy on 16-17 Feb. Fancy another trip? Let me know, I'm free that weekend.

  4. Cheers Chris I'm chuffed with him too! Yes I will be up for a trip to Bovvy for that show in Feb. Just let me know what day you are planning to go.

  5. No probs mate, I'll give you a bell nearer the time.
