Kit Reviews

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Finally Some Bench Time!

Well I've finally cleaned up the bench and got back to the Lynx for Christmas. This is all due to the fact I quit my new job last week. Let's just say it was not what I expected at all and I did not enjoy it and leave it at that! I'll be looking for something else in the new year I think and may even start working for myself.

Anyway, over the last couple of weeks I have been doing small bits to the lynx in the shape of filters and pin washes as well as detail painting. Today the matt varnish went on so in a couple of days I can get the final dust and pigments on. 

With this one drawing to a close at last I am looking for a nice fun xmas build so watch out for that soon!  


  1. Life outside the job is not the same...two years before I find out if I can handle it too!

  2. Life IS very different Matt, as I'm just discovering!
