Kit Reviews

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Bugle Call Show Report 24th November 2018

The last show on our calendar this year saw myself and Brian make the relatively short journey to Nailsea nice and early on Sunday morning. No traffic so a quick arrival and the usual speedy set up ensured I managed to get a sausage bap down my throat in quick order! The show opened at ten and to be honest there seemed to be very few visitors coming through the door. However it was great to see Chris, aka Soapy and have a bit of a catch up and a laugh. 

On the retail side there were quite a few traders in attendance but nothing that really caught my eye except a Tamiya Archer SP Gun & a Tankograd book. Brian didn't buy anything, even he could not track down that elusive must have shite kit! There were some interesting models on the club tables too and with the lighting at the venue being very good in most areas it made taking pictures much easier.

By about 1400hrs there was a distinct lack of visitors so most of the time we were chatting to fellow clubs. Perhaps this is the Telford effect, what with that show being at the start of November most people possibly have already spent their allowance for the month? I don't know but it's a shame as the venue is very good.

Anyway here's what caught my eye at the show.

And the stash addition,

Thanks to BMSS Bristol & Kevin for the invite and all their hard work too.


  1. Thanks for the mention, Pete. Nice to see you again, must do it again soon & great to meet Brian for the first time - we had quite a laugh together with the chap on the table next to yours, whose name I didn't catch unfortunately but I'm sure we'll meet up again at a future show somewhere. Excellent day out, well worth the long drive & thoroughly enjoyed it.
    Thanks also to Kev P & the BMSS guys for a well-planned & executed show. I'll be back next year!

  2. Lovely Pete, thanks for showing those of us who couldn't get there, what a nice show this is.

  3. Cheers chaps glad you like the report. Chris, we will have to sort something out, perhaps meet up at Bovi in the new year?

  4. That would be nice, mate - I think the SW Model Show is 17-19 Feb next year or we could sort out any other dates that are convenient to you? Let me know.
    Also don't forget the R Signals Museum is quite close to me if you fancy going there again.
