Kit Reviews

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Tiger Models Panhard ERC-90 F1 Lynx

Here's my next victim, the very smart tiger models ERC Lynx. This kit is the export version so you get markings for one Argentinian vehicle & four Mexican ones. I'm building this for the new group build over on Modellers' Haven Online forum as well. 

I've had a good look and slight drool over the contents of the box today so here are my thoughts on it. First the parts are very crisply molded and have almost no flash or knock out marks that I can see. 
My only gripe is the colour guide, you get a full colour all sides view for the Argentinian version and that's the only one in a single colour! All the Mexican vehicles only get a one sided view. Very annoying as you will have to either guess the front, rear and other side camo pattern or try and find a colour profile or picture on the net.  

Why Tiger do this I don't know but I wish they wouldn't! 😡 However things get better with some super decals, a small etched set and really nice clear parts. There seems to be lots of periscopes so perhaps the French army version is not too far away. There are also two sets of optional springs for the suspension so maybe it can be made workable, I'll have to check during the build. 

A nice inclusion from tiger is a set of stickers for your sprues to help you identify them easier. Perfect if you use a sprue rack or similar or just struggle to find the right sprue all the time.

You also get a choice of rubber or plastic wheels which is great as I always prefer the plastic versions. Both have side wall details and makers names.

The hull, turret and the rest of the parts are really well done & the barrel lurking on sprue C is a single piece only needing a seam line to be sanded off.

I'm very impressed with this kit and will be starting the build tonight, I'm going for a Mexican version by the way. The shape of the vehicle is so out there it just has to be a French design! 

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